In this newsletter you will find out who your class reps are; how much we have raised thanks to last week’s cake sale; what our volunteers have been up to; and everything you need to know about the upcoming Jumble Sale on 16 October.
Your new Class Reps
A big thank you to all who have volunteered to be class reps this year:
Nursery Ruth Reception Lisa & Bhavisha Y1 Rob & Caroline Y2 Gill & Simone Y3 Tanya & Lindsey Y4 Erla Y5 Yuksel & Rachel Y6 Jeet & Sally
They will be sending you information on our next events and volunteering opportunities through the various Class Whatsapp Groups. Please let them know if you can help with any of our projects, or if you have any queries or concerns.
Cake sales are back!
Thank you to the Y6 team of volunteer bakers and sellers who have helped raised £203.50.
One of the parents who helped at the cake sale is elligible for the Matched Funding scheme through her employer, which means FROGS will be taking in double this amount! An amazing result. For more information on Matched Funding, see our Get Involved page.
The next Cake Sale, organised by the Year 5 parents and carers, will take place on 19 November.
Painting, planting & planning
Thank you to the parents who helped paint the KS1 shed. Unfortunately Billy has not had time to lay the astroturf before going on paternity leave – so if anyone reading this knows someone who could do this for us, please get in touch! It would be great to finish this area before the winter.
A big thank you to Wayward Plants and the RHS at Morden Hall Park: a van-full of free plants, leftover from the Chelsea Flower Show, was delivered to the school last week. Some of these will be going into a new planted area by The Garden Classroom in Newington Green; the rest is for the school garden. We have already planted some ivy, Virginia creepers and a wonderful rowan tree.
We are still helping the school to plan the enrichment club programme and are sorry for the delay. They should start after October half-term, the school will be in touch very soon.
In the meantime we have updated our Calendar with the various events we are hoping to organise this school year. In November, Covid allowing, will be a Bonfire Night/Disco party (we’ll need volunteers for this! DJ etc – please get in touch if you can help); and we hope to organise a Winter fair, mostly outdoors, in December.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 3 November in the evening.
The return of the Jumble Sale
This year’s jumble sale will be held both in the hall (masks compulsory) and in the KS2 playground, in the blue container and under various gazebos (if you have a large gazebo that you can lend us please get in touch!).
Please bring your jumble (clothes, shoes, books, toys, bric-a-brac) to school on the Friday morning (15 October) from 8.45am (leave by the blue container) or drop off on Saturday from 9am.
If you have time, please label clothes bag by type (ie Girls Clothes 5-6 years old) as this will save us some time, and try to tie up things that go together (ie sets, shoes, pyjama top+bottoms).
We’re also hoping to sell food and drinks so if you can contribute cakes, soups, biscuits or any other snacks (no nuts please), please bring them in on the Saturday morning from 9am.
Friday 15: We need helpers to help sort the jumble from 1.30pm on Friday in the main hall. We’ll also need help carrying the trestle tables up from the cellar.
Saturday 16: Helpers also needed for the stalls during the jumble sale on Saturday. Let us know if you can do a shift, or just show up on the day. Cups of tea included.
The jumble sale not only raises much needed funds for our school but also provides an essential community service. Everyone is welcome so please spread the word to your friends and neighbours.
Thank you and take care,