Latest news


Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our AGM last week. You’ll find the minutes of our meeting here and our latest financial statement here. We now have a new secretary, Caroline, as well as two new committee members, Veronika and Luke.

It was great to see some new faces! If you would like to contribute some ideas or help in any way but were not able to come the meeting, please get in touch. We’re particularly keen to get more dads involved, and are trying to make FROGS as diverse as possible to better reflect the local community.


We also have new class reps, although we are missing quite few as you can see below:

Reception –
Y1 – Rob & Caroline
Y2 – Gill &
Y3 – Tanya & Lindsey
Y4 –
Y5 –
Y6 – Jeet &

Class rep are essential to help us communicate with parents. As a class rep, all you would have to do is relay information from Frogs to your class group by simply fowarding a message on Whatsapp, and, if possible, helping to organise or find volunteers for 1 cake sale, and 2 class stalls (at the winter and summer fair) per year. They also relay the infomation from parents (concerns, suggestions, ideas etc) to FROGS. Please get in touch if you would like to help.


We’re also trying to set up some events for this year. Please make a note of these two dates for now, and hopefully we’ll be adding more to the calendar very soon:

Friday 1 October: Year 6 Cake sale
Saturday 16 October: Jumble sale

The cake sales will be held as follow: Y5 in November; Year 4 in January;  Y3 in February;  Y2 in March; Y1 in May and Reception/ nursery in June. Parents can donate any kind of cakes or snacks (cupcake, gozleme, fruit kebabs, savoury treats…) as long as they do not contain nuts or sesame.


We are looking for volunteers to help us paint inside and around the KS2 container and KS1 shed this Friday. We’ll be there from 9am. In preparation, we’ve even tidied up the paint shed last week:

Can you believe all this was stored under the library stairs?

It might inspire you to start sorting for the jumble sale! Please can we remind you that we will be accepting your donations of books, toys, bric à brac and clothes on Friday 15 October, as long as they are not broken or dirty. When preparing your bags, please discard anything stained etc, try to tie up things that go together (ie shoes, pyjama top+bottoms) and think of our volunteers who are giving up their Friday afternoon to sort through everything and prepare the stalls. Thank you in advance!

Take care,