January news


Please find the minutes of the last meeting here. Our next meeting will be on Friday 18 March, at 9am, at the school. In the meantime, see below for a few FROGS news, including announcing the judge for our construction competition; a shout out for library volunteers; looking for some help on how to start a farmer’s market/ renting out the hall for children’s parties or classes at Grasmere at the weekend. We’d also like to hear your thoughts on the nursery and how we could improve it.

Please also look out for our next newsletter which will outline our plans for our Love Yourself, Be Kind to Other initiative for February’s Children’s Mental Health Week.


We’re very happy to announce that the top judge for our current construction competition is no other than Billy, our amazing caretaker!

Please tell your kids we would love them to build something out-of-this world to impress him and the rest of the judging panels. They can use cardboard, lego, minecraft blocks… anything they like! Perhaps they could even come up with a new design for the library steps? Skyscrapers, robots, poolhouse or flying machines etc also welcome.

If you’d like to take part, all the details are here on our dedicated page. We’d be very grateful if you could buy a ticket or two, that would help us figure out approximately how many prizes are needed! The deadline for the competition is the end of February half-term, you have until Sunday 20 February to submit your pictures.


The school is looking for some volunteers to help keep the library open to the children at lunchtime. At the moment, the volunteers make sure that there isn’t too much noise, help kids find new books to read, and check that they tidy up at the end of breaktime. We’re looking for parents, carers, grandparents or former pupils who have time from 12.15-13.15, one day a week, or even one day every two weeks. The school will arrange a DBS check for the volunteers. If you’re interested, please send a message to Lena, the deputy headteacher, or let us know on frogs.grasmere@gmail.com. Thank you!


The school has suggested that we could perhaps open a monthly farmers/food market in the playground to bring in a bit of revenue to complement the school budget, and build links with local businesses and community. There are some very successful farmers market/car boot sales in other school playgrounds in the surrounding neighbourhood, and lots of foodies around Newington Green, so we think this could be a great idea! If you know anything about setting up one, or know someone who does, or have some ideas on what type of stalls we could have, please let us know! frogs.grasmere@gmail.com.

We’re also hoping to open the school at weekend for families or tutors to rent out the hall/garden. Does anyone know an easy way to manage bookings etc, or advertise this? If you’re interested in renting it out, how much would you pay for the use of the hall and garden for an afternoon? Or to give a class in the morning? Any tips welcome.


We’re thinking that one of next projects could be to update the nursery and reception area as the school is keen to have more children attending. Please could take a second to tell us why you chose to put your kids there, or why you didn’t. Would you have considered it if the hours were extended to 5pm? Very, very short survey here.

Thank you and take care,