Our next meeting is this Wednesday 19 January at 8pm via Zoom. We’ll be discussing our plans for the year in terms of fundraising, events and projects. Please do join us if you can (details will be sent through the class Whatsapps and on Schoolping). If you can’t attend this time but would like to contribute something, please either reach out to your class rep or email frogs.grasmere@gmail.com.
Please find the meeting agenda here.
Everyone is welcome
We’re a school of about 220 children, and there are usually about 5-10 people at these meetings. Many of us started by helping at events, not fully understanding what was going on, but picked things up along the way. We’re working on a document with lots of information on our resources and how to organise various events and fundraisers, but in the meantime, please do let us know of any questions, ideas, comments and suggestions.
We’re always looking for new recruits and new point of views, and are particularly keen for our team of core volunteers and our committee to better reflect our school community; we’d also love for more dads, grandparents and former students to take part and help as much or as little as they can. It would also be great to have more parents of children with SEND taking part to tell us about their experience at Grasmere.
On the subject of diversity and inclusion, we’ve been made aware of the fact that at the Winter Fair there was a doll displayed on the teddy tombola stall that some parents might have found offensive. It wasn’t any of our volunteers’ intention to cause any offence; it was a very unfortunate incident and we will be trying our best to prevent such incidents happening in the future. If you have been affected please accept FROGS’ apologies.
We are all parents and carers just like you, please feel free to approach us with any questions, suggestions, or even complaints you have! Our email is frogs.grasmere@gmail.com. You can also talk to your class reps, or leave a note for us at reception if you prefer.
Construction competition
We will be adding more information on prizes and judges for Grasmere’s Big Build competition very soon, but in the meantime, all the info is here.
Thank you and take care,