Happy half-term!


We hope you and your families enjoyed our Jubilee day! In the morning, both children and staff had lots of fun making giant bubbles with Mr Bubbles:

In the afternoon, we had a lovely tea party with strawberries and cream, and delicious cakes, scones and sandwiches – what a feast! Thank you so much for all your donations.

Our two activities, the Corgi trail and Royal Photo Studio, were also very popular!

This party was a bit of an experiment for us: we are trialling a different model, with free or ‘pay as you can’ events. We’re planning to raise money for the school through the Jumble sale, online shop, and monthly/one-off online donations instead. This means more families will be able to attend and enjoy our events.

To give you an example, this event cost FROGS around £344 (£280 for Mr Bubbles, plus £64 for strawberries and cream). All the food, drinks, cups and plates, and accessories for the activities, were donated. We raised £195.20 in donations on the day. Which mean we’ve made a loss of £148 – we think it is well worth it for the lovely, inclusive event! (to help us break even, you can always donate here of course!)

Our next event is the Jumble Sale on 18 June. As ever we will need everyone to join forces to make it happen – if you can spare an hour or two of your time you will make a big difference (and you most probably will come home with a bargain or two!)

The jumble sale is very important for FROGS as it is an event for the whole community, a tradition at Grasmere, a great way to recycle as well as shop on a budget, and of course great fundraiser for our charity.

Please bring your clothes, toys, books etc from Friday 17 June (morning) and leave them by the blue container.

There is lots of ways you can help – from sorting out the clothes and carrying all the trestle tables up from the cellar on the Friday afternoon, to setting up the speakers, manning a stall, preparing a soup or baking a cake! Please see all our volunteering opportunities here, and sign up if you can!

We hope you all have a lovely half-term, and see you at the Jumble sale!

Thank you and take care,