We hope you had a lovely half-term. As this week is Volunteer Week we would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all parents and carers who volunteer to help FROGS transform Grasmere into a more colourful, creative and fun place to learn.
Thank you for baking, painting, fundraising, manning stalls… and everything else. The school would look very different without you – among other things, there would be no Key Stage 1 playground, no library, no creative room, no computers for children, and no bright murals.
We are a small school community and although we are very lucky to have a core group of volunteers, we always need help, especially to organise large events such as the fairs and jumble sales.
And of course, every year we need some new recruits to take over from the lovely Year 6 parents who have left!
So if you can, please consider volunteering at our next events, listed below:
Friday 10 June, 9am-1pm
Painting/gardening/tidying up morning – a second coat for the container, fixing the mural, etc
Saturday 18 June, 10.30-12.30
Jumble sale – please sign up here if you can help. For example we need strongmen/women to carry the trestle tables up from the cellar on Friday afternoon, and back down on Saturday at around 1pm. It’ll take 30 minutes of your time at most, and be a big weight off our shoulders! And we would also love to have someone in charge of selling teas, cakes and soup.
Friday 24 June, 3.30
Nursery & Reception cake sale
Friday 8 July
9am – FROGS meeting
3.30 – Year 6 Ice lolly sale
Saturday 16 July
Summer fair
We’ve also planned some events for the next school year, so please put these dates in your diary:
Friday 16 September, 9am
AGM, coffee morning + FROGS tour of the school to show parents where we have spent our money (mural, play equipment, creative room, library, garden classroom etc).
Friday 30 September, 3.30
Y6 Cake sale
Saturday 8 October, 10.30-12.30
Jumble Sale
Friday 21 October, 3.30-5.30
Harvest festival, food bank donations, second-hand Halloween costumes sale
Friday 4 November, 3.30
Y5 Cake sale
Friday 2 December, 3.30
Second-hand Xmas jumpers, baubbles and ornaments sale
Friday 9 December, 3.30-5.30
Winter Fair
If you can’t volunteer but would like to support FROGS and help us add fun and colour to the school, you can always set up a monthly donation on our Kindlink page. The more funds we collect this way, the more free events we can organise, to make sure the whole community can join in.
Please find the minutes of our last meeting here. All our events dates are in the FROGS calendar.
Last but not least, we are collecting money for our lovely dinner ladies Margaret and Breda, who are retiring at the end of term after close to 50 years working at Grasmere between them! One of our parent volunteers, Sophie, has started a collection so we can give them a present from all the parents to say thanks for their work over the years: https://pay.collctiv.com/collection-for-our-dinner-ladies-margaret-and-breda-65823
Thank you and take care,