Hello everyone,
We hope your children enjoyed the first few days back at school. Have you spotted FROGS’ latest work? Over the summer we have installed a traverse climbing wall in the main playground:
A big thank you to our volunteer who made this project happen. It took over two years from start (getting rid of the unused cricket nets) to finish (finding a contractor after the first one bailed out). We paid £4,500 for the wall and mural and we really hope you and your kids like it!
This Friday 15 September we will be holding a FROGS coffee morning. Please come along if you are a new parent at school and would like to know more about our charity. And if you know all about FROGS and would like to support our work, please come and buy a T-shirt if you can! We will also be selling FROGS stamp cards, which can be used at all our events, including cake sales.
2022/2023 IN REVIEW
Thank you to all our volunteers who helped last year. Whether you manned a stall at an event, baked or took part in the matched giving scheme, it was worth it! We raised over £18,000 for the school. See below FROGS’ 2022/2023 year in numbers:
On Friday 22 September we will be having our AGM, during which we will discuss our plans for the year. Everyone is welcome! Please lookout for the agenda which will be shared next week.
Cake sales this year will be raising money for something very special for all Grasmere children, watch this space! Please let your class reps know if you can help with either selling or baking cakes, it is always very popular with the children.
Our main events take a lot of effort to organise and as we are such as small school we need as much help as possible to make them happen. Please look out for our volunteer sign up sheets which will be shared by class reps very soon.
We’re looking for an organiser to help coordinate the stall and set up the Winter fair on the 8 December, please get in touch if you can help. We always need new parents to get involved as of course every year we loose a whole cohort of year 6 parent volunteers.
Thank you and take care,