We hope you are all well and ready for half-term! Despite the difficult circumstances, the Friends of Grasmere have quite a few things planned for this year. Next up: Dress up day and the Halloween Virtual Balloon Race
Also in the works: the Holiday card scheme, the Grasmere Cookbook and a discount scheme with local shop Yield. Plus, you’ll be able to order your Christmas tree soon and raise money for the school at the same time.
Over the last few years, we have raised thousands of pounds to transform the school into a more colourful, fun and welcoming place for our children. And this year more than ever, we need your help to keep up the good work!
Last year our various events had raised over £7,000 before lockdown, but this year with no jumble sales or fairs and we’ll have to to raise money differently.
Which is why we kindly ask each year group to organise one fundraising event for the school year. What will your year come up with? Other ideas so far include a Virtual Pub quiz; sporty challenges (such as relay race, steps challenge, yoga…); a virtual auction; and the summer fair.
Please let us know as soon as possible how you would like to help!
This year we are planning to focus our efforts on two main areas of the school with much-needed transformations:
1. The KS2 Playground and garden
Now more than ever we need some flexible and sheltered outdoor space.
In the KS2 playground, we are planning to paint and furnish the new container pavilion; add some artificial grass and a deck/stage area with an awning; install a new basketball net; and finish painting some of the murals – including the main library wall mural by artist Rémi Rough (see our Current projects).
In the garden, we are hoping to build a large wooden gazebo that could serve as an outdoor classroom (we have applied to Tesco Bags of Help scheme for funding on this and are waiting to hear back from them), and are planning to install an outdoor music wall in the spring.
2. The Hall
We are also hoping to help transform the hall with new speakers, as well as a sound absorption system to help soften the aggressive acoustics in the hall, in order to improve the sound for future performances, assembly and events. We would also like to look into new play equipment for the space.
To donate directly for these projects, write “Outdoor Space” or “Hall” in the Message section when you make a donation on Kindlink. We are also keen to hear from you if you can donate your time or your expertise; simply email frogs.grasmere@gmail.com.
You will find more ways to get involved here, and the minutes of the last FROGS meeting here.
Thank you for your help & take care,