New shoots


Just a few words to update you on FROGS’ gardening efforts: our amazing volunteers Nicola and Julie have planted courgettes, tomatoes and beans in the garden – it’s looking lovely:


FROGS have also bought some rainbow trugs and some watering cans (plus a matching wheelbarrow!), as well as some soil, seeds and plants, for the KS1 playground. Nicola and Julie have helped with a couple of planting sessions with Year 1 and Year 5; they had a lot of fun and the new planters are now filled with vegetables, herbs and flowers:

We’re always looking for volunteers for the garden. In particular, we will need help over the summer to water the plants, so if you can cover a 1-week shift or more (as a reward you and your family can enjoy the garden for yourselves for a few hours!), please let us know.

A few reminders:

• check your class Whatsapp groups for a message about staff leaving presents.

• check your class Whatsapp groups and join the new Grasmere Offered/Wanted group to find a few bargains or recycle unwanted toys, clothes etc.

• we’re hoping to paint the Church Walk mural on 1-2-3-4 July, and we would love to organise an outdoor sports event on the Saturday 3 July, if Covid allows, so please make a note of these dates in your diary.

• see our big plans for the school here.

• please take part in our enrichment club survey if you haven’t done so already.

Thank you,