You will find below an update on our first Grasmere pub quiz, and information on all our upcoming events – March is going to be a busy month for FROGS: we have the World Book Day Disco, Jumble Sale, Year 2 Cake sale (24 March) and annual chocolate egg hunt all coming up in the next few weeks.
Please also remember to fill in the school’s communication survey here if you haven’t done so already.
Pub Quiz at The Shakespeare
Thank you so much to everyone who took part and helped organise our first Grasmere pub quiz. We were so lucky to have the help of expert quizmasters Andrew and Karen, our excellent chilli chefs and of course Richard and Jana at The Shakespeare. We raised £760 for the school (including a £150 donation by The Shakespeare) with this event. And congratulations to the winning teams, we hope you enjoy your drink vouchers very soon!
We hope you all had a lovely time, and would love to hear any feedback here.
World Book Day events
FROGS is supporting the school’s World book week by:
• helping set up the new library. We’ll need a handful of volunteers this Wednesday 9-11am to sort out the reference books and picture books.
• organising a World Book Day Disco (with laser show & fun games by DJ Dancemasters) on Thursday 9 March after school. You can book your tickets here (and as usual there are also free tickets with Patsy for those who need them) or buy on the day. We’ll also need lots of cakes (book-themed even better!) and sandwiches donations on the day. Please volunteer here if you can, we need one more person to help tidy up and a team to man the firepit/chill out area in the garden.
• paying around £400 for author Karin Littlewood to come for an assembly and workshops for each year on Friday 10, and a book voucher prize for the school competition.
• organising a bookmark-making workshop on Friday 10 to raise money for the school’s reading areas, please see more information here. This will be held in the creative room after school and will have activities for all age groups. Parents will pick up their kids at 4.30 from the playground (like enrichment clubs).
Jumble sale
Our next Jumble Sale will be held on Saturday 18th March. Start sorting your jumble now! Please bring your clothes, toys, books and bric-à-brac etc to the school on Friday 17 March.
Nothing broken or dirty please. Try to tie sets together, or wrap toys with little pieces securely as it can get jumbled up very quickly. We now have lots of rails, so we need lots more hangers!
If dropping off your donations at 9am, leave them by the blue container. If dropping off your donations at 3.30pm, leave them by the main hall.
We need lots and lots of volunteers for this big fundraiser, please sign up here if you can. And we’ll also need soup and cakes on the day, please let us know if you can help with this!
Our annual chocolate egg hunt will be held on Thursday 30 March. We already have volunteers to count and sort the eggs, and to oversee volunteers on the day, but we need help with:
• chocolate egg donations – please bring to school office from Monday 20 March – please start looking now as there might be some early bargains! Last year we collected over 3,000 chocolate eggs. Remember no nuts please! (Parents of kids with allergies can supply specific eggs for the children to swap at the end of the egg hunt, just leave clearly labelled with allergy, child’s name and year group.)
• hiding the eggs in the garden. You can sign up here if you are free on the morning of the 30th to come help hide the eggs in the garden.
Thank you and take care,