Our last event this year is the school’s Summer Fair on Saturday 13 July, please read below for more information, as well as some pictures of Billy’s leaving do and links to the various gift collections we’re organising. Please find the minutes of the latest FROG meeting here.
Also, well done to Year 6 who have raised £127 with their ice lolly sale to help pay for their leaver’s hoodies, party and year book.
Thank you to everyone who helped organise and attended Billy’s leaving party last Tuesday. It was great to see old friends and have Billy leave in style after 19 years at the school.
A million thank yous on behalf of FROGS for all his help: not only did Billy carry countless tables up from the cellar for us, but he was also instrumental in helping transform the school, from building the decking in front of the container to creating the medical room and creative room, and installing shelves in the new library. What a star!
We raised just over £1,000 for Billy’s leaving gift – thank you so much for your generosity, he is chuffed!
Thank you also to everyone who donated towards Carmen’s gift, we raised over £800. The school has been given a card with your messages & gift and will give it to Carmen as soon as possible.
We’re also saying goodbye to Debbie and Neela, please donate for their leaving gifts if you can!
And finally we’re also raising money for the staff’s end-of-year gift, please contribute if you can – this will be split equally and gifted to all remaining staff from teachers and TAs to kitchen and office staff. Thank you!
Coming up is our final event of the year, the Summer Fair on Saturday 13 July! This year we are very lucky to have The Clarence Tavern sponsor some free donkey rides and cuddles by Kelly’s Donkeys.
As ever we need lots of volunteers, please sign up here if you can. The more stalls the more fun. We’ll also need your donations – cakes, sandwiches, cookies, ice lollies, drinks etc – for the kitchen. Please let Megan, Sally or your class reps know if you can donate anything for the kitchen, or any small prizes.
Please note that the FROGS AGM, which we hold annually since we are a registered charity, will be on Friday 20 September at 9am at the school. Everyone is welcome! As a parent, carer, staff member at Grasmere you are automatically a member of FROGS.
We are still looking for volunteers for next year, whether it’s helping on the committee or organising events. If you are not sure what it involves, please get in touch with one of the committee members (Jay, Magnus, Léa & Caroline) and we’ll answer your questions as best as we can!
Our small community is a big part of what makes Grasmere so special and having regular events is a key way to help the community spirit thrive. But as a single-form entry school, there’s not that many of us parents and carers, so we really need to have all hands on deck if we want to continue having such an amazing program of events throughout the year.
Thank you and take care,