January News


Here are the latest FROGS news, including our next meeting, our events for this term, and some images of our latest event, the Cinema night, which saw the launch of the school’s amazing new AV system. A request from the school who said it was their No 1 priority, this new projector, screen etc cost over £11,000 and was funded entirely by FROGS. Thank you all for making this happen!

Our next meeting is this Friday 31 January at 9am at school. Everyone welcome! We will be discussing our next events, latest spends and upcoming projects. Please find the agenda here.

Our events this term include a Quiz night, for which we need more volunteer organisers – please get in touch with your rep or Paddy if you can help!

Please look out for more information on these events, and the usual volunteer sign up sheets, in our next newsletters.


A big thank you to our organiser Caroline and all the volunteers who helped run this lovely event. We had two screenings, some amazing snacks, and a great atmosphere. We hope you and your children enjoyed it, and were happy with the new AV system too!

And finally, big thanks to everyone who has signed up on Easyfundraising – we’ve raised just over £120 so far. And please don’t forget our next events: the FROGS meeting this Friday, and the Year 3 Cake sale on Friday 7 February!

Thank you and take care,



Donations to FROGS are always welcome. Please take a look at our latest projects to see how your money might be used. You can also set up a monthly direct debit donation on Kindlink.



Find out more on how to help here, including more info about the matched funding and workplace giving schemes, which are available for employees of some large companies.