Here’s our first newsletter of the year! Welcome to new parents and welcome back to all the other FROGS. We hope your kids liked our new banner on the first days of school:
Our first event of the year was the Kapla workshop (delayed from last year) which involved each year building giant Kapla constructions in the school hall. We hope your children enjoyed it! A big thanks to Jennifer from Kapla Clubs UK who ran the workshops with such great skill.
And of course the tidying up was lots of fun too!
Please save the dates! We’ve lots of exciting events planned for this year:
As usual we’re starting the year with our AGM, this Friday at 9am in the school hall. As you might know we are a registered charity and as a parent, carer or staff member at Grasmere you are automatically a member of FROGS. We’re looking for more committee members, new volunteers, and new organisers (and perhaps a Santa too) for our Winter Fair.
Please find here our annual report; our latest financials; and the agenda for the meeting. Everyone is welcome and the more volunteers the better, so please join us if you can.
We’re looking forward to meeting all the new parents and children at our Garden Party on Friday 4 October. On that day we will need you to bring your jumble to school in the morning, and also lots of volunteers to sort it. We’ll be sharing the Volunteer sign up sheet for the Jumble sale very soon. In the meantime, please start sorting your clothes, toys, books, and homeware!
Thank you and take care,