Happy holidays!


A big thank you to all our volunteers who worked so hard to make the Winter Fair happen!

From baking cakes and carrying the tables up and down the stairs, to decorating the grotto, preparing a delicious veggie chili, unloading trees, knitting teddies, donating prizes, manning the stalls and selling the tickets – all your work was well worth the effort: we raised over £2,000 for the school. This will matched-funded by a parent, so we can expect another £1,000 in the new year.

Not only did we raise a great amount, but it was also a lovely event that brought the community together – we really hope your kids enjoyed it as much as we did! And of course a special thank you to Santa and his elves who really did an amazing job in their magical grotto.

The leftover Santa grotto gifts will be distributed by the school, and the rest donated to the Winter Toy Appeal. Every year this local project collects new toys to make sure that every child in Hackney and surrounding boroughs gets at least one present at Christmas. There’s lots of ways to donate, and you can support local businesses at the same time. Deadline: 15 December.


Please join us for the following events this winter:

  • Our Cinema night will be on Friday 20 January – just in time to celebrate Chinese New Year! Any ideas/suggestions, or to offer to volunteer on the day – please email frogs.grasmere@gmail.com

  • The next Frogs meeting will be held at school on Friday 27 January at 9am. Everyone welcome!

  • Our next Cake Sale will be organised by Year 4 on Friday 27 January – expect shortbread and chocolate tea cakes to celebrate Burns Night!

Help needed!

Next year we will need help with:

  • Pub Quiz Night: We’re really hoping to organise a pub quiz for parents in February – could anyone help organise this, or know a publican/quiz master who could?

  • Library: We will be helping the school install the new library in the new year, we will keep you posted on Whatsapp groups when we need volunteers to do so!

  • Music system: We need old phones to be set up with music ready to use at our events. At the moment we have a pair of speakers but nothing to play the music on. If you have old phones you can donate, or have time to download playlists onto phones, please let us know!

  • Save the date: Please see below for the other events we are hoping to organise this year – if you can help with any of these, let us know! Thank you.

We wish you all a lovely break and Happy New Year!

Thank you and take care,