Welcome back

Hello !

The Friends of Grasmere School have a shiny new website:

Please have a look to find out what we’re about, what we have achieved so far, and how you can help!

If you want to get involved, please come along to the FROGS AGM, which will be held on Wednesday 16 September in the evening via Zoom. Please email frogs.grasmere@gmail.com for the meeting details. Anyone interested in being a class rep or joining the committee is particularly welcome.

To follow our latest projects, scroll down and sign up to the FROGS newsletter.

For obvious reasons all FROGS events are on hold for the moment until it is safe for us to get together again. If you have any other ideas for fundraising or indeed any suggestions or comments generally, do get in touch via frogs.grasmere@gmail.com) or your class reps.

Take care!